14th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama

Published on Sunday June 27th, 2010

The International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama is an annual event which attracts professional theatre companies from various parts of the world. Over the years it hosted companies from Greece, Britain, U.S.A., Germany, Russia, Romania, Sweden, Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy/Austria, Korea and Cyprus. This wide international participation in the Festival helps to bring out the universality of ancient Greek drama and underline its living presence in today’s world. The Festival is held in the summer and specifically in July when Cyprus attracts visitors from all over the world. Thus with its performances it brings ancient Greek drama into contact with a multicultural audiences.


Alcestis by Euripides
“Free Space” State Theatre for Youth, Orel, Russia

Thursday 1 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon
Friday 2 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol
Saturday 3 July, Makarios III Amphitheatre Nicosia

Oresteia by Aeschylus
Patra Municipal Regional Theatre, Greece

Wednesday 7 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon
Thursday 8 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol
Friday 9 July, Makarios III Amphitheatre Nicosia

Lysistrata by Aristophanes
Cyprus Theatre Organization

Thursday 8 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon

Wealth – Triumph of Poverty by Aristophanes
Theatro Technis Karolos Koun, Greece

Wednesday 14 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon
Thursday 15 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol

Agamemnon by Aeschylus
Slovene National Theatre Drama, Ljubljana

Saturday 17 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon
Sunday 18 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol

Thesmophoriazusae by Aristophanes
People’s Art Theatre, Wuhan, China

Wednesday 21 July, Paphos Ancient Odeon
Thursday 22 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol
Friday 23 July, Makarios III Amphitheatre Nicosia

Lysistrata by Aristophanes
National Theatre of Greece

Friday 30 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol
Saturday 31 July, Curium Ancient Theatre Limassol

Info: +357 22674920

All performances start at 9:00 p.m.

€17 / €8 for National Guard, Students and Senior Citizens

Moufflon Bookshop 26934850
Stokkos 26947037
Time Out 26949522

Jmz Copy Centre 25355123

Ticket Sales Centre Th.O.C.77772717


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