Kypria International Festival 2013

Published on Sunday July 21st, 2013

Click here for the complete programme of the festival

“KYPRIA” International Festival, right from its inception in 1993, aimed at presenting Cypriots and visitors alike with a variety of cultural events of the highest possible standard. Having been launched in a period characterised by an almost complete lack of important cultural events, it became the catalyst for the creation of an unprecedented cultural movement which gives audiences a plethora of choices. The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture have always been searching for new approaches aiming at the further improvement and upgrade of the Festival with regards to both its conception and further course and also the character of the events hosted in the Festival´s programme.

Throughout its 20-year history, the Festival has always aimed at presenting Cypriot as well as foreign artists and ensembles of international acclaim, and putting on display high quality productions in various fields of the performing arts. The selection of each year´s participations also aspire to provide an opportunity for the representation and participation, to the greatest possible extent, of Cypriot artists and groups without, of course, detracting from the international character of the Festival.

During the past two decades, “KYPRIA” has hosted an array of distinguished artists and ensembles from the fields of Dance, Theatre, Music, Visual Arts and the Cinema. In the field of Dance, the Festival has hosted, amongst others, the Rhine Ballet, the National Ballet of Cuba, Omada Edafous by Demetris Papaioannou and the Batsheva Dance Company.

Theatre performances by prominent directors featuring distinguished actors and theatre groups of worldwide acclaim have been in the forefront of the Festival, some of the most celebrated being the National Theatre of Greece, the Greek Art Theatre of Karolos Koun and Spyros Evangelatos Amphitheatre. Moreover, one of the Festival´s most recent highlights has been John Malkovich´s outstanding performance in the “Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer” presented at “KYPRIA” 2011.

The “KYPRIA” Festival has also hosted a number of celebrated music ensembles of worldwide renown such as the English National Symphony Orchestra, the Madrigalisti di Venezia, the European Union Baroque Orchestra, the Salzburg Philarmonic Chamber Orchestra, as well as, the Mikis Theodorakis Popular Orchestra and the State Orchestra of Greek Music conducted by Dionysis Savvopoulos.

As of this year, the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture have appointed an Artistic Director with the mandate not only to improve the already high standards of the Festival, but also to refresh its image and bring forward a new approach and concept. Within this framework, both the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Artistic Director, have decided to introduce a concept that will characterise this year´s Festival. This year’s concept is Mythology, Myths and History as a source of inspiration and artistic creation. Furthermore, as of this year, there will be an island-wide telephone number for information regarding the Festival, online ticket sales, a revamped website, as well as extensive use of social media pages for information to the public.

Further information regarding this year´s programme can be found at or at 7000 2212 during working hours (09:00-17:00).

Tickets on sale at SOEASY kiosks islandwide, TIMEOUT kiosk in Paphos and at

Click here for the complete programme of the festival


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