17th European Contemporary Dance Festival

Cyprus : 17th European Contemporary Dance Festival

The festival is established as an important International dance meeting, concentrating each year the interest of many countries. It already won a special place on the map of the European Festivals, arising bridges to the int’l dance creations.

Being the host to interesting and renowned dance groups of Europe and Cyprus, the festival presents the contemporary dance trends, creations and waves, highlighting and presenting the contemporary dance evolution to the Cypriot audience.

Applications are made via the embassies, which select the 3 most predominated groups of each country and then apply to the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. The final program elaboration is made by the Festival’s Selection Committee.

The European Contemporary Dance Festival is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the RIALTO Theatre in collaboration with the embassies and the cultural centres of the participated countries.

The Festival is taking place in Limassol, at the RIALTO Theatre, while a certain part of the performances is also presented in Nicosia.

Entrance: €5 | €20 for all the performances (valid both for Limassol and Nicosia). Free admission for pupils, students, soldiers & dance professionals

Programme of the performances in Nicosia

2/6 Monday / Cyprus

Fotis Nicolaou, Ι am and I am not 20’

Mιλένα Ugren Koulas, Lost 15’

9/6 Monday / Israel

Roy Assaf Dance, Six Years Later & The Hill 60’

Dancers: Igal Furman, Avshalom Latucha, Roy Assaf

15/6 Sunday / Austria

Tanz Company Gervasi, Solo with guests Part Two, Elio Gervasi 65’

Dancers: Leonie Wahl, Patric Redl, Yukie Koji, Raymond Liew Jin Pin Hannah Timbrell, Sara Marin, Hygin Delimat, Martin Dvořák, Elio Gervasi

19/6 Thursday / Spain

Umma Umma Dance & Manuel Rodriguez, Stuntman/Loser Kings,

Guido Sarli (Stuntman), Guido Sarli & Manuel Rodriguez (Loser Kings) 60’

29/6 Sunday / UK

James Cousins Company, There we have been, James Cousins 17’

Dancers: Lisa Welham and Aaron Vickers


On specific days
From: Monday, June 2nd, 2014
Until: Sunday, June 29th, 2014
Time: Starts at 20:30


Rigainis and Arsinois
Paphos Gate, Old Nicosia
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus


€5 | €20 for all the performances


Phone: 77777745

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17th European Contemporary Dance Festival
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Time: 20:30
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Note: While every care has been taken to ensure the information provided is accurate, we advise you to check with the event organisers before travelling to confirm the details are correct.


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