50 Years Society-Culture-Life in the Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus : 50 Years Society-Culture-Life in the Republic of Cyprus

The Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia hosts the exhibition “50 Years Society-Culture-Life in the Republic of Cyprus”, having as a goal to present the course through the first 50 years of the Republic of Cyprus.

50 years ago, on 16 August 1960, the newly-established Republic set out with steady steps on its difficult road. This course through time, as well as the memories of those who have lived and who were born and grew up in Cyprus since the birth of the Republic in 1960, that is presented in this exhibition: memories and points of reference from each decade; memories and reminiscences of historical events, social and cultural activities, and a record of our society and the everyday life of our country.

On the occasion of the exhibition, “Pandoras Box” and other spaces of the Museum will host works of art by Kyriaki Costa influenced by the recent history of Cyprus.

The exhibition will be inaugurated by the President of The Republic of Cyprus Mr. Demetris Chistofias, on Monday 8 of November 2010 at 18:00.

Sponsors of the exhibition are the Culture Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyta and the Association of The Friends of the Leventis Municipal Museum. Media Sponsor: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation


On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
From: Monday, November 8th, 2010
Until: Sunday, January 16th, 2011
Time: 10:00 - 16:30


15-17 Hippocrates Street
Laiki Yitonia
Nicosia, Nicosia 1500, Cyprus
Phone: 22661475



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