A thousand ships

A day-long narration of the Trojan war, re-told through a choral narration of female characters.
«I sang for the women, the women that were nothing but a shadow. I sang for the forgotten ones, the unnoticeable, the missing. I took those old tales and shook them well, until all the concealed women reemerged into the light. I honoured them with my song, because they have been waiting long enough. As I had promised the poet I would do. This story does not belong to a single woman; it belongs to all of them»
The Trojan War, traditionally narrated as a tale about the bravery of men, is being re-told through a day-long* choral narration of female characters, led by Calliope the muse of epic poetry. Natalie Haynes, inspired by Homer and other classic texts, concentrates on the experience of war from the perspective of women and its actual consequences. What do we really mean by the word heroism and which stories should we be telling today? In what ways do we remember women, slaves, marginalized individuals and all those who did not attain Homeric glory? If we were to re-count these stories, how would we communicate them in the contemporary social reality and conversations?
* Audience members can enter / and exit at any given moment.
1st Nicosia International Festival
Tickets: www.soldoutticketbox.com/
€12 / €10 (students, pensioners)
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