Abhisek Lahiri

Notwithstanding the traditional essence which is one of the predominant feature of Indian Classical Music, Abhisek Lahiri, one of the youngest President Award Winning "A" grade sarod artist of Prasar Bharati and Doordarshan has blended his baaj by the norms of the venerable raagdari with the neoteric idiosyncrasy of chalan, taan, chords and by introducing unanticipated instantaneous notes and startling phrases. Though he was trained under his eminent father and guru Pandit Alok Lahiri from a very tender age in the gurukul system, his approach of sarod playing belongs to the three major gharanas of Sarod which are Shahajahanpur, Senia Maihar and Senia Bangash (Gwalior). By embracing the meed and the tonal depth of the instrument Abisek has entangled his alaap with the compelling trait of jod which finally ends up followed by the Gat which reflects this young maestro's unparallel alacrity with immense understanding of laya and it needs no mention that all these equitable attributes of his performance have won the hearts of thousands of audience across the globe.
Abhisek started performing in public at an early age of 11 years though he got his first break in national level in 1997 when he was invited by Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia to play at "Saath Saath Festival" and that year he also gave his debut performance abroad in Holland at the "World Kinder Festival" where he was named as an 'Wonder Kid'. That was just the commencement of an outstanding prodigy's lifelong commitment towards music which later laid to extensive concerts through Europe, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Sri Lanka, Japan, Bangladesh apart from India. He with his father Pandit Alok Lahiri possesses the dignity of performing as the first Indians at the Europe Parliament in France, Cannes World Music Festival and also in Canada Culture Days in Toronto. Abhisek has created an amalgamation with the Japanese Guitarist Hideaki Tsuji and his group Ionah which represents world music and has got worldwide recognition. Abhisek's music albums "Sparkling Sarod" got nomination at GIMA (Global Indian Music Awards) in 2010 and in 2014 again his album "Mood Of Puriya Kalyan" got nominated along with the legends of our country such as Pt Hariprasad Chaurasia, Pt Shivkumar Sharma, Ustad Zakir Hussain, Ustad Rashid Khan and many more.
Organisers: Rialto Theatre, Cooperative Central Bank, Platres Community Council, Eventpro
12th Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival
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