Alexander Technique Seminar with Vicky Panagiotaki

Alexander Technique highlights the relationship between mind and body. It examines, expands and promotes the way we express ourselves through the movement in the moment.
It explores the basic principles that govern the human movement and it identifies the mental and physical constraints, by transforming and re-establishing the natural mechanisms of the equilibrium and motion of the body.
Alexander Technique contributes to the field of performing arts in various ways such as: the cultivation of kinesthetic perception, sensitivity and physical intelligence, the avoidance of personal kinetic habits, the support of kinetic skills that ensure an effortless movement, the prevention of injuries through a more efficient control of energy, and a sharper presence on stage.
Vicky Panagiotaki studied the Alexander Technique (Ausbildungszentrum für F.M. Alexander Technik, Berlin), Theater Pedagogy (Universität der Künste, Berlin), Classical and Modern Dance (Professional School of Dance D.Gregoriadou) and Archeology (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). She also participated in intensive seminars of Butoh dance under Masaki Iwana.
She taught Movement-Improvisation at the Berlin School of Fine Arts (UdK), Ufa- Fabrik, State European School Berlin (SESB ) and the Alexander Technique at the Drama Schools of National Theater, G.Kimoulis, "Modern Times", "Delos", "Theater of Changes", "NYAS", "Dock 11 Berlin", "Askisis".
She also was the Alexander Technique instructor for various theatrical productions of F.P.Steckel, L.Giovanides, G.Kimoulis, L.Philippova, E.Lygizos, A. Pandazaras, X. Fragoulis, S. Goulioti,
Y. Onisiforou and A. Konstantinou.
More info:
23-25 November 2018 at To Praktoreio, Nikitara 19, Nicosia
Friday 23rd: 17.00-20.00
Saturday 24th: 16.00-20.00
Sunday 25th: 11.00-14.00
Price: 100 EUR
We invite in our seminar professional and semi-professional performers as well as artists from other disciplines.
Places are limited.
To apply, please fill application form and send to:
[email protected]
Application forms are available at:
Application closing date: 16th of November
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