Berlinale Selection: All About Me

The Goethe-Institut begins a new film series with Berlinale Selection 2019, which will present every autumn a selection of the best new German-speaking films of the year.
Films will be screened that have been positively reviewed internationally and that have received awards by juries. Films, which offer an insight into social issues in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and that make it possible to experience these countries through the medium of film. Films that are thought provoking and show new perspectives or that are just beautiful and fun.
As diverse and colourful as the societies are also the directors, actors and locations of these films.
Four of five films of the Berlinale Selection 2019 show different family situations and illustrate in a fascinating, dramatic or tragicomical way how people deal with their familial fate.
All About Me (Der Junge muss an die frische Luft)
Drama // 100 minutes // 2018 // Directed by: Caroline Link
The chubby, nine-year-old Hans-Peter has a talent that he cultivates daily in his grandmother's grocery store; he can make people laugh. Yet, this merriment is clouded by his mother's illness, who suffers from an unexplainable melancholia. This serves to motivate Hans-Peter even further to develop his talent in order to make her happy.
The heart-breaking story of the childhood of the famous German comedian, Hape Kerkeling, raises the question of how a person becomes what he/she is and how childhood continues to affect and impact an individual in adulthood.
The screening is taking place within the framework of the "Weeks of the German Language".
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