"Archetypal Landscapes" by John Warren

Cyprus : "Archetypal Landscapes" by John Warren

The paintings to be shown at Peter’s Gallery Limassol in September are the result of responding to the landscape of Cyprus and the Mediterranean over many years. In these recent works, which John Warren has tentatively described as “Archetypal Landscapes”, motifs seen in the natural world have returned to their original state of flux and metamorphosis. The underlying idea is the evocation of elemental forces attracting and repelling each other in the primordial chaos.

These landscapes open up vistas which at the beginning are unknown to the artist. Forms and structures gradually coalesce as the work develops suggesting possibilities, a state of becoming or dissolution. Although they are etched in our unconscious we have become estranged from these interior worlds and they offer no solace or the security of familiar things. Elements from the natural landscape may be suggested but these are remote realms and we are merely passing travellers.

This sense of alienation in John Warren’s work is further accentuated by the sombre mood present in a number of the paintings. Two large compositions entitled “R’lyeh” rely on blacks, greys and dark blues for their totemic effect. The diptych inspired by Joseph von Eichendorff’s poem “Im Abendrot” presents us with a foreboding plateau at twilight giving rise to feelings of desolation and loss.

Other works, however, such as “Pavane” and “Fractured No.2”, dispel this dark mood and are almost celebratory in their use of bright complementary colours.

John Warren has also painted the landscape in a representative manner and he will be exhibiting some of this work at Peter’s Gallery. He sees the “Archetypal Landscapes” as a development and complement to his other working method.

Opening: Wednesday September 2nd 2009, 8pm

Working Hours
Monday - Saturday 10.00-13.00 and 16.00-19.00


Monday through Saturday
From: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009
Until: Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Time: See Description


31 Ioanni Polemi Street
Limassol, Limassol 3085, Cyprus
Phone: 25384804

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