Art Is... The Art of Cyprus through the Ages

Cyprus : Art Is... The Art of Cyprus through the Ages

The exhibition presents the evolution of Cypriot art, from ancient to contemporary. It is stylised and divided into periods. One can explore Antiquity, the Byzantine period and the Medieval ages, the Ottoman and Colonial periods up to the present day. Through this journey of past to present, important aspects of the history of Cyprus’ art are depicted.

Along with the exhibition, the Cultural Centre has published a luxurious edition entitled “Yours Sincerely…” which depicts the evolutionary course of Cypriot artists, whose works are included in the Collection, starting out from the ‘forefathers’ of Cypriot contemporary art and concluding with its contemporary representatives.

During the exhibition the corresponding educational programme “Art Is…” is held on a daily basis for Elementary School children, where youngsters have the opportunity to explore art in the lives of the inhabitants of Cyprus, from antiquity until today, in an empirical and creative way.

Visiting Hours
Monday-Friday: 10:00-13:00 & 16:00-20:00
Saturday: 10:00-14:00


Monday through Saturday
From: Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Until: Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
Time: See Description


Byron Avenue Museum
32 Byron Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1096, Cyprus
Phone: 22718605



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