Artists in progress

Residencies- Dancehouse Lefkosia
Dancehouse Lefkosia cordially invites you to the presentation of works in progress by the resident artists Elly Constantinou, Georgia Andreou, Ivi Hadjivasiliou, Pascal Caron & Melissa Garcia Carro.
Sponsor: Ministry of Education and Culture (Cultural Services)
Elly Constantinou
This choreography is being inspired by the real story of the Salem witches and the events, which took place in Massachusetts of the USA in February 1692 and May 1693, had resulted to the execution of twenty innocent people. In this choreography a witch is the main character who is sentenced to death. However, she has been given a small amount of time, which she chooses to spend dancing
While dancing, she travels with her memory into time and places she never dared to be until now. This is followed by unexpected overwhelming emotions that she expresses with her body. Simultaneously her brain acts as a cold hearted killer, constantly reminding her about her imminent death. Do you think the witch has a valid reason to fight against her brain?
Idea/Concept: Elly Constantinou
Choreography: Elly Constantinou in collaboration with the dancers
Performers: Natalie Tsingis, Elly Constantinou
Costumes Designer: Victoria Sarri
Picture: Art work: Elly Constantinou
Georgia Andreou
This is what I feel and I would like to share it with you
This is all about control
The illusion of control
It all started as a question and from there I couldn’t find answers
More questions appeared
There is no answer
Now it’s lost
Idea: Georgia Andreou
Performers: Elena Afatiti, Georgia Andreou, Stephanie Pastella
Sets: Sotiris Stylianou
Photography: George Panteli
Selva lucida
Pascal Caron &
Melissa Garcia Carro
Yet dense
And eating the roots
Choreographers and dancers: Pascal Caron & Melissa Garcia Carro
Photo: Melissa Garcia Carro
Ivi Hadjivasiliou
The dance theater performance «ATRAPOS» meaning “pathway” goes through the everyday life of an introvert who almost incarcerated in his own private space, he is living everything through words, recalling the past events of his life with whispers, broken breaths, silences. In the same whispers and silences he is trying to shoulder the desperate harvest time that slowly passes, leaving at every moment, a leftover of existence that is being suspended among jerky movements and relentless fatal stillness.
Choreography: Ivi Hadjivasiliou
Dancers: Demetris Chrysostomou (Domino), Ivi Hadjivassiliou, Haris Marathefti
Actor: Giota Mourettou
Voice: Mixalis Papadopoulos
Music: Olafur Arnalds – Brotsjor (Extract)
Poems: Mixalis Papadopoulos – extracts from poetry collection
‘Ammolithos’(1997), ‘Entos Synoron’(2000), Elikas Fantastikou Elikopterou’(2010)
Choreography assistant: Eva Kalomoiri
Special thanks to Dancehouse Lefkosia, The Central Dance School Elena Maxouti and
Dance Style Studios for providing rehearsal space.
25 Parthenonos Street
Free entrance
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