
Cyprus : Bacchae

17th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama:
Dromos me Dentra/Baumstrasse, Greece

Dionysos, son of Zeus and Semele, daughter of Cadmus, returns in human form to Thebes (the home city of his mother) with a view to imposing his cult. Semele’s sisters, as well as Agaue, mother of the king of Thebes, Pentheus, at first refuse to recognize his divinity, so he drives them wild with holy frenzy. They, together with most or all the women of Thebes, are now on Mount Kithairon where they engage in ritualistic orgies. Pentheus strongly refuses to accept the new god’s cult as well and decides to turn against the women. He arrests and imprisons Dionysos who soon frees himself and destroys the palace with an earthquake. Subsequently he persuades Pentheus to disguise himself as a Bacchante and go to the mountain to spy on the women. There, when the women discover him, they rush upon him, Agaue leading them, and tear him in pieces. Agaue returns to the city with her son’s head in her hands, thinking that it was a lion’s head, while Cadmus brings her to her senses making her realize what she has done. The play ends with the appearance of Dionysos, as a god now, who foretells the future destinies of the heroes and consolidates his worship.


Translation: Nikoleta Frintzila
Direction: Martha Frintzila
Music: Vassilis Mantzoukis
Lighting design: Felice Ross
Lighting operation assistant: Sofia Alexiadou
Choreography: Rootlessroot – Linda Kapetanea, Jozef Frucek
Costumes: Ilianna Skoulaki
Voice couching: Angela Brouskou
Research Associate: Iosif Vivilakis

Dionysus: Giorgos Frintzilas
Pentheus: Giorgos Vourdamis
Agaue: Angela Brouskou
Cadmus: Argyris Bakirtzis
Teiresias: Parthenopi Bouzouri
A Guard attending Pentheus: Foivos Symeonidis, Mihalis Panadis, Tasos Dimitropoulos
Messenger A: Foivos Symeonidis, Mihalis Panadis, Tasos Dimitropoulos
Messenger B: Foivos Symeonidis

Stavroula Pavlikou, Katerina Patsiani, Nancy Sideri, Pinelopi Tsilika, Alexandra Tavoulari, Afroditi Kleovoulou, Smaragda Kakkinou, Ntounia Gratsia, Ioanna Nasiopoulou, Chrysanthi Pikoula

Martha Frintzila (voice), Vassilis Mantzoukis (electric guitar, tapes, voice), Antonis Maratos (bass), Nikos Papavranousis (drums), Kostas Nikolopoulos (electric guitar), Panou Manou (electric guitar, keyboards, voice), Vangelis Paraskevaidis (percussions), Kosmas Lampidis (ney), Giorgos Katsianos (sound)

Dromos me Dentra/Baumstrasse

The theatrical group Dromos me Dentra/Baumstrasse was brought together by the theatre director and actress Martha Frintzila and the composer and set designer Vassilis Mantzoukis in the year 2000. Over the past twelve years, it has presented twelve theatrical performances and eleven experimental plays. In addition, it has taken part in musical and theatrical festivals in Greece and abroad.

Dromos me Dentra has collaborated with a number of well-known music institutions, such as the Greek National Theatre, the Athens Music Hall, the Theatre of Neos Kosmos and the Chora Theatre. It also participates in the annual Music Village Festival in Pelion. Academically, the group has collaborated with Stockton College of New Jersey and Princeton University of New Jersey as well as with the Department of Theatrical Studies of the Athens University.

Performances: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Aridnere, Henri Desire Landru, Drama Perpetua, Anton Chekov, Three Sisters, Euripides, Electra, Jorge Louis Borges, Universal History of Insomnia, Sophocles, Ajax, Nikolai Leskov, Katerina Ismailova, Lioudmila Petrosevskaya, Love, Marivaux, The Heritage, Rainer Maria Rilke, The Foreigner, R. Schimmelpfennig, Arabian Night, Euripides, Ion, Samuel Beckett, Stirrings Still.


Ticket sales managed by SoldOut Tickets at the following selling points:

SOEASY Kiosks All Cities
Time Out Kiosk Pafos



Thursday, July 18th, 2013
Time: Starts at 21:00


(Amphitheater of School for Blind)
28th October Street
Acropoli, Nicosia 2012, Cyprus
Phone: 22314507


€17 / €10


Phone: 22674920

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