Bitch Boxer

Cyprus : Bitch Boxer

The newly founded theatre group "Mikri Skini" presents for the first time in Cyprus, Charlotte Josephine’s play "Bitch Boxer".

The play tells the story of a young girl who comes from and lives in one of the most deprived suburbs of East London, Leytonstone-region which in 2012 hosted the Olympic facilities for London 2012. Chloe Jackson, the heroine, finds psychological refuge in boxing, escaping depression as a result of being abandoned by her mother when little. Her father becomes her coach, her mentor, her support. Together they can get through this!

The whole action of the play takes place in a gym room, where Cloe, an adult now, prepares for the most important fight of her career. Her participation in the London Olympics, where for the first time, women take part in the sport of boxing is at stake.
But life brings twists she will have to face in the only way she knows ... as a fighter!

"Bitch Boxer"
Direction: Christos Zanos
Translation: Daphne Economou
Musical direction: Georgina Tatsi
Boxing Coach: Louizon Loizou (Touch Glove)
Photos: Constantina Agathokleous
Light run: Charalampia Theofanous
Sound run: Kyriacos Moleskis
Poster: George Vassiliou
Performs: Irene Andreou

Performances : From 28/11 - 20/12 every Monday and Tuesday.
Start time: 8:30 pm
At : “The venue next to Kala Kathoumena"
General admission: 10 Euro
Reservations: 96 302747.


On Mondays and Tuesdays
From: Monday, November 28th, 2016
Until: Tuesday, December 20th, 2016
Time: 20:30 - 21:30


21 Nikokleous Street
Stoa Faneromenis
Nicosia, Nicosia 1011, Cyprus
Phone: 99454896




Irene Andreou
Phone: 96302747

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