Common Reflections - Trans-generational

Cyprus : Common Reflections - Trans-generational

Common Reflections, following the happenings entitled Parrhesia that took place in 2011 relating to art practice and social change presents another collective action entitled “Trans-generational” and taking place in September 2012 at the ARTos Foundation.

In 2011, in the first version of Common Reflections, Maria Papacharalambous and Evi Tselika, invited and presented a number of artists, writers, philosophers and cultural producers and explored if they can through their actions voice their resistance to socio-political occurrences, aid in the reshaping or reimagining of the public sphere and prompt reflection on our ethical responsibility towards the collective whole. After all it is through interchange, dialogue and interactive creative manifestations that reflection can be triggered, of how our actions shape the common and how our inactions maintain social injustices. It artistically reflected on the belief that, by cultivating our inner world and by undergoing an introspection that takes us deeper and deeper, we just might understand or remember the collective nature of our existence and our responsibility towards the other.

Following on from this endeavor, Common Reflections 2012 will use the concept of the trans-generational and act in ways of involving and reflecting on the way communities shape and how behaviours and patterns are assigned. A collective exhibition will present work by a group of visual artists, writers, theorists, poets. It will portray alternative viewpoints as to what social structures have been set for adhering to behaviour patterns across different age groups. The precious and twisted stories that remind of a time gone past, fear of the passing of time, inter-relationships, prejudices and a realization that we live in an ageing society. The artists will use different media to produce work that shows different facets of community, facets that involve and reflect on every day ways of living and how we can negotiate, challenge and intervene artistically on the human condition of growing old. What does that mean when we look around? Do we take the time to look around? Are we scared and thus ignore it? How can we actively and creatively explore this?

This year’s action will move beyond the exhibition and will include interactive workshops with students, old and young people to trigger re-action that builds tolerance, respect and a re-energization of the way we perceive age. Artistic action and creative participation can therefore be presented as a medium through which dialogues and critical thought could be generated so as to allow for the pathway towards the creation of more inclusive collective identities and the development of a sense of trans-generational responsibility and respect.

Contributions by
Mayia Hadjigeorgiou, Yiannis Ioannou, Stavros Lambrakis and Cleo Alpha, Michalis Theodorou, Caros Rodriguez-Mendez (Spain), Achilleas Kentonis and Maria Papacharalambous, Evi Tselika and John 'Pikpas' Ioannou, Chara Kaminara (Greece), Nefeli Kentoni, Ricardo Echevarria (Spain)

It will also involve Dr Costantinos Fellas, vice rector of the University of Nicosia and the fine art students of the same university.

Opening: Thursday, 20th September 2012, at 20:30

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 10:00 – 13:00 & 16:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 13:00

For more information: Maria Papacharalambous 99807798, Evi Tselika 97611269

Cultural Services – Ministry of Education and Culture
Embassy of Spain in Cyprus


Monday through Saturday
From: Thursday, September 20th, 2012
Until: Thursday, October 4th, 2012
Time: See Description


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455


Free admission


Phone: 99807798 - 97611269

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