Crying... Silicon Tears (Το κλάμα βγήκε απ'τον παράδεισο)

Cyprus : Crying... Silicon Tears (Το κλάμα βγήκε απ'τον παράδεισο)

This is the story of two Greek families, named Delafrangas and Bisbikides. The former family is very wealthy and lucky, the latter very poor and continually struck by fate. Poor but honest Martha is in love with Giakoumis, a young builder and bouzouki organist, but all her dreams fall apart when posh Tzela "steals" the love of her beloved one... A couple of flash backs, following their families roots back to WW2 and the Turkish domination, and a hidden secret will unfold the story's ending...

Mirka Papakonstantinou (Tzela Delafranga)
Anna Panagiotopoulou (Lavrentia Bisbiki)
Maria Kavoyianni (Martha Bisbiki)
Michalis Reppas (Giakoumis Bardakas)

Director: Thanasis Papathanasiou, Michalis Reppas
Writer: Thanasis Papathanasiou, Michalis Reppas
Runtime: 110 min
Genre: Comedy, Musical
Language: Greek
Production Year: 2001

Crying... Silicon Tears Trailer


Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Time: Starts at 20:00


41 - 43 Athinas Street
Paphos, Paphos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: 26818560

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