Da Motus!

Cyprus : Da Motus!


How many times a day do we really act on what we're thinking and do we think of what we are doing? Our mind wanders and scatters about so easily. We often think about past or future ... or we simply drift away, driven out of what we are doing by furtive ideas. We breed shadows that fleet and go out and about, all of their own.

ATTENTION speaks of this struggle against the flow of thoughts and fragmented images that pester and overrun us, it tells of the importance to live the moment consciously. The performance highlights how difficult it is to stay fully aware of the here and now. How do we reach peace when the mind wanders, absorbs and is soaked with all these day-to-day solicitations?

Artistic direction: Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly
Dance: Abigail Cowen, Brigitte Meuwly, Ismael Oiartzabal, Mihran Tomasyan
Choreography: in collaboration with the dancers
Video: Iker Gomez de la Hoz
Music: Jean-Philippe Héritier and Iker Gomez de la Hoz
Lighting: Annick Perrenoud
Lighting Manager: Yan Benz
Communication: Sabrina Deladerière

Duration: 60'


Was founded in 1987 by Antonio Bühler (second prize at the 9th Nyon International Choreography Competition) and Brigitte Meuwly (French Encouragement Prize from the International Institute of Dance and Choreographic Art, Paris) and has performed in more than 150 cities of 37 countries.

Their work is inspired by a sensitive contemplation of nature. The quality of animal supple movements and the vigorous plasticity of the plant world stimulate DA MOTUS!'s choreographic language.

Antonio (certified teacher of Yoga) and Brigitte (certified teacher of the F.M. Alexander Technique) have an instinctive and sensitive approach of movement. Their shows are eclectic, enriched by a subtle ability to play with circumstances on stage as well as out-door in specific sites.

Due to their unique gestural vocabulary, DA MOTUS! can be situated on the border zone of dance art. This is certainly a reason why since 1987 DA MOTUS!'s pieces have been performed not only within the framework of dance events from Portugal to Russia, from Sweden to Greece, in South and Central America, South Africa, Egypt, Pakistan, India and Japan.

This performance is part of the 12th European Dance Festival. You can buy a General Entrance card for all the performances of the festival in Rialto for €20. Admission free for students and dance professionals.


Saturday, June 20th, 2009
Time: Starts at 20:30


Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Limassol, Limassol 3603, Cyprus
Phone: 77777745



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