Demetra Sergi: Alternative landscape

Cyprus : Demetra Sergi: Alternative landscape

Demetra Sergi presents her first solo exhibition titled «Alternative landscape»

With the title «Alternative landscape» the artist wants to show, in her own unique way different kinds of landscapes, cities and buildings.

With the freedom of deconstruction, she builds her own buildings out of a dream and a memory.

Sometimes she focuses on dreamlike cities being seen from a distance while in others in a seductive still life of destruction and apparent wreckage one could also see the damage on buildings and the fragmented reality.

She focuses mainly in neglected construction site and dissolving dwellings and especially architectural remains.

Out of her work she would like to show the change in our mood, our dreams and goals that sometimes are so highly structured while in other circumstances are so low that they reach to the bottom debris like wreckage.

She is slightly abstracted in style, full of nature colour and unusual textures. She likes to use vibrant colour, many kinds of pastes, oil pastels, pencils, paper and fabric. She is inspired of nature and beauty of nature. The textural element in her work is very important to her as she uses natural elements that connect to the subject. She responds to landscapes seen rather than mere representation of the actual places.

Demetra Sergi was born in Larnaca in 1971. She has graduated from the Pancyprium Lyceum of Larnaca where she studied foreign languages. Later on she followed a course in Travel and Tourism at Intercollege. She has been working for many years for airlines in Cyprus. In 2014 she was awarded a BA degree in Fine Arts from University of West of England in Bristol. She has participated in various group exhibitions in Cyprus. She has also curated exhibitions and created costumes for artist performance for the exhibition ‘anima-animus’

Inauguration Ceremony of Exhibition by the member of Parliament
Larnaca Constituency, Democratic Rally Party (DISY) Mrs Annita Demetriou
Friday 15 March 2019 at 7 pm

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 16.30. - 18.30
Saturday: 10.00 - 13.00


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, March 15th, 2019
Until: Saturday, March 30th, 2019
Time: See Description


45 Stadiou Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6020, Cyprus
Phone: 24621109

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