Painting Exhibition by Demetris Nalpantis

On Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm a painting exhibition of Demetris Nalpantis will be opened at Tehnis Dromena Gallery, 53 Arch. Kyprianou Str in Strovolos-Nicosia.
Demetris Nalpantis was born in Didimoticho in 1957. He had been taught painting by the painter Nikos Tziotis. He studied architectural drawing in Thesalloniki.
He was selected to represent Greece in the World Painting Exhibition, organized by Winsor & Newton under the auspices of the United Nations. The United Nations have chosen the painting entitled “Memories” to reproduce it on a stamp for the postal set “The World of 2000”. His painting “Memories” is the first Greek stamp of the United Nations. Four of his works have also become stamps of the Hellenic Post Office.
He was awarded various prizes as follows:
Commendation, Biennale of Todi, Italy.
Commendation, by the Prefecture of Umbria, Italy.
Prize award by UNICEF.
Prize award in Andromeda, Italy.
Prize award by the Mayor of Didimoticho.
The exhibition will be open until 12 December during the following hours:
Monday-Friday: 10.00-13.00, 17.00-20.00
Saturday: 10.00-13.00
After the above period until 9th of January 1916 we will open only with personal appointments.
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