Dini Christoforou-Economide

Cyprus : Dini Christoforou-Economide

Always driven by nature, when creating a landscape, an image, she tends to converse sensually with the place, the space, because she believes it has soul. In her work, she strives to give an internal power to colour aiming at expressing her thoughts.

By creating images inspired by the splendor of nature after continuous study, meditation and imagination and by using composition, contrast and intensity of colours, she ventures to stimulate emotions but the final interpretation of the work is up to the spectator's imagination. For this reason, her work is untitled.

Dini was born in Limassol but her parents are from Famagusta. She studied at Manchester Metropolitan University, U.C.E Birmingham and Durham University. She has participated in many group exhibitions and this will be her 4th solo exhibition and her first in Nicosia.

Opening Hours
Monday: 17:00-20:00
Tuesday - Friday: 10:30-12:30 & 17:00-20:00
Saturday: 10:30-12:30


Monday through Saturday
From: Monday, March 12th, 2012
Until: Saturday, March 24th, 2012
Time: See Description


21 Kimonos Street
Strovolos, Nicosia 2006, Cyprus
Phone: 22424983

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