Drama and English Literacy

Subject: ‘Drama and English Literacy’ Workshop for teachers, educators and practitioners by Nandia Tomasidou, PhD in Drama and Theatre Education.
The Nandia Tomasidou Youth Theatre proudly presents the‘Drama and English Literacy’ Workshopwhich is addressed to teachers, educators and practitioners. The workshopwill be given across Cyprus in September 2017. Please note that due to limited availability, registration for the workshop will be conducted on a first-come, first served basis. In order to register, please fill in the online form found on the following link:
Description of‘Drama and English Literacy’ Workshop
The 3-hour practical workshop is addressed to primary school teachers, English language teachers, drama practitioners and student teachers. Using Julia Donaldson’s book ‘The Smartest Giantin Town’by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler, the participants will be introduced to Drama and Theatre Education conventions and practical techniques for the development of the English Language and Literacy. We would like to inform those who have attended our workhops in the past, that the content of this workshop is different to the previous.
Drama can provide a dynamic environment for language learning. It contributes towards the enhancement of the four domains of Literacy - speaking, writing, reading and listening. It also encourages the students to participate in social groups and in language communities. As the nature of drama requires team work and promotes the spirit of ensemble, language arises in a natural way through games, improvisations and role-play.
Thispractical workshop is based on empirical data and focuses on teaching methods that have been proved to help students conquer language in fun and playful ways. The pariticipants will be given the theoretical background for the approach of teaching English through Drama. They will be provided with a detailed scheme of work. The scheme includes the drama techniques, conventions and games that will help them transform their English lesson in a creative ways. The participants will also be given a certificate of attendance.
4.00 p.m.. -7:00 p.m. Apothiki 79
(tel.99083974) 81-83 Agios Lazaros Street, Larnaca 6020
Duration: 3 hours
Requirements: Basic knowledge of English, comfortable clothes and shoes
Participation fee:€15 (prepayment required)
Registration form: Registration will only be conducted through the online form found on the link below. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.
For more info: Tel. 99675078
Biography of practitioner leading the workshop
Dr Nandia Tomasidou holds a BA in Education (University of Cyprus), an MA and a PhD in Drama and Theatre Education(University of Warwick). She has worked as a primary school teacher, as a TV presenter on shows of educational nature, as well as a drama practitioner establishing her own Youth Theare addressed to children and teenagers, which has been running in success since 2013. She has worked as lecturer at the University of Warwick, the European University Cyprus as well as the Global College teaching Drama and Theatre Education to teachers. She is also the curriculum designer for the Cypriot Fairy Tale Museum. She has designed, organised and conducted two educational programmes addressed to primary school students: Using Drama and Theatre Education as a creative approach towards anti-racism education and towards learning to accept those who are different’ and ‘Paphos 2017 through the Drama and Theatre Education Approach’. The programmes have been approved and promoted by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. They have received excellent feedback from students and teachers. She is currently in the process of publishing a book based on her doctoral thesis titled ‘The contribution of drama and the arts to student well-being’.
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