Ekselou Me (Deliver Me)

Cyprus : Ekselou Me  (Deliver Me)

The new play “Deliver me” by Konstantinos Yeoryiou is staged by the Pancyprian Gymnasium Theatrical Company 2014 comprising nine teenage actors (Theodoros Antoniou, Nicolas Grammaticopoulos, Maria Zoumidou, Savviana Karamallaki, Tamuna Karmazanasvili, Eleni Koksenoglou, Myrto Koksenoglou, Konstantina Kyriakou, Leonidas Paizanos) each of whom features in several roles with striking naturalness and with consistency (articulation, delivery, movement), doing justice to the word and substance of the piece and to the mood of the performance.

On the music side of things, Satie’s Gnossienne No 1, is performed live by Eleni Koksenoglou on piano, and two songs are performed a capella: one 16th century French song and another with Greek lyrics written for the occasion and put to a French Medieval tune.

The playwright, who is the motivator and inspiration behind the Company, taught and directed the play and is, at the same time, the Artistic Director, Costumes Designer and Music Director of the performance.

The show literally moves around the historical wing of the Pancyprian Gymnasium building; the Propylaea antechamber (First and Second Image, Plologue), the Archives Corridor (First Act: The Song of Michael Kohlhaas and Third Image), the Severios Antechamber (Second Act: At the festival of The Saint with the 13 Names), the Severios Library Reading-Room (Third Act: The comedic drama “Deliver us”), and the Auditorium in front of the red velvet Curtain (Exodus).

The work was written in the context of the Open Theatre Workshop which ran from September 2013 until April 2014 at the School, and whence the Cast of the Theatre Company 2014.

It centers round injustice, the evils arising from entanglement of interests and corrupt expediencies, and the fate of the man who finds himself in their way. The tone of the play starts out in narrative monologue and philosophical-literary commentary, progresses to the choral consolation discourse of fairy-tale, and ends in the astutely critical mood of comedy.

An emotive language journey and a poetic progress in space and time. An extraordinary theatrical experience. Handmade Theatre for achiropoieta images.

Seats are limited so please make sure you reserve in advance by calling 22-466711 and 99-545346.

(in Greek)


From: Saturday, June 14th, 2014
Until: Monday, June 16th, 2014
Time: 20:30 - 22:00


Archbishop Kyprianos Square
Nicosia, Nicosia 1060, Cyprus
Phone: 22466711




Phone: 99545346

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