The embracement of the prodigal - Marios Theophilides

Cyprus : The embracement of the prodigal - Marios Theophilides

Gallery Rouan in Limassol presents the exhibition of Marios Theophilides The Embracement of the prodigal.

The ephemeral conditions of nature and land have been the main focus of the artworks, as in most them actual soil was used as a pigment, in order to emphasize the timeless bond between land and mankind. The artist’s direct experience with this specific natural environment provided him with the opportunity to develop a process of research and experimentation based on direct observation and on-site integrity, thus facilitating in the presentation of both the visual elements and concepts in this body of work.

Approaching the land both as topography and territory, and the soil as the artistic medium, the works may be viewed not only as three dimensional constructions, but also as direct representations of the actual land. The works presented are experimental in their contemporary visual aesthetics; however their conceptual language represents a historical dialogue about the nature of our relationship with land, often conveying the ephemeral and spiritual, and in some cases, the materiality of the earth that we have walked on and toiled for thousands of years.

Opening: Wednesday, 28th of May at 20:00

Opening Hours
10:30 - 13:00 & 16:30 - 19:00


Monday through Saturday
From: Wednesday, May 28th, 2014
Until: Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
Time: See Description


28 Dodekanisou Street
Limassol, Limassol 3021, Cyprus
Phone: 25350845

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