Energy and light

Cyprus : Energy and light

Painting exhibition – Margarita Paraskevaidou - opening 12/01/2010

For me abstract painting is a way of expressing my creativity. I create my paintings using both acrylic and oil paint as well as paper or gesso giving a specific texture to my artworks enabling me to better express colour and light.

Inspiration for this group of works was an article I had read regarding quantum physics. Quantum physics has proven that energy and matter are interrelated. What we perceive as solid matter are in fact constantly moving electrons and photons which disappear and reappear in a continuous manner. What this theory reveals is that we are primarily made up from energy and the world around us is also made up from energy. It has also been observed that it is possible by influencing one of these tiny bodies of energy to simultaneously influence another body even if these do not have any apparent relationship. On a purely theoretical level these non-apparent relationships are revelatory on how everything and everyone is interrelated.

Through my art-works I wish to create a visual image of this primary matter/energy. At the same time I wish to influence my spectator even for an instant, to create images-carriers of positive energy and to be able to transmit it.

I believe that painting for me is my personal expression of the way I understand the world and it is a part of my private spiritual research. The images I create often have as a reference point photographs or imaginary images of planets, the universe, as well as the cellular and molecular structure of ourselves and our surrounding objects

Opening Hours
10:30 - 12:45 & 17:00 - 20:00


On Weekdays
From: Tuesday, January 12th, 2010
Until: Thursday, January 28th, 2010
Time: See Description


3 Zenon Sozou Street
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus
Phone: 22762605


Margarita Paraskevaidou
Phone: 99669039

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