Engagement AND Entrapment

Cyprus : Engagement AND Entrapment

Curator and Visual Artist based in the UK, Diana Ali in collaboration with Zmart Gallery, is pleased to present the exhibition Engagement AND Entrapment; a contemporary art exhibition investigating enticement, allurement and attention.

Engagement is a way of capturing attention, a way of alluring and a way of enticing to possess ownership. We could implement this as a way of attracting an audience, being drawn into a system and in turn be captivated. Such methods can include smoke screens, masquerade and stings. We can be engaged in political upheaval and in contrast engaged to be married. Either way if one shows the willingness to engage then they are seized, arrested and caught, through an innocent human desire to absorb and be engrossed.

Cypriot and international artists have been invited to submit work which explores a subversive engagement, use tactics and trickery to captivate and which contests rules and laws of a system.

Aesthetically, artists works entices the audience, engages them in viewing and ultimately entrap them into the work.

Will the viewer be engrossed, cheated or convicted?

Opening on the 24th of July at 20:00

Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, July 24th, 2015
Until: Saturday, August 8th, 2015
Time: See Description


27 Arch. Makarios III Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1020, Cyprus
Phone: 22456099

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