Evros Evriviades - Sites and Scenes of the Familiar

Cyprus : Evros Evriviades - Sites and Scenes of the Familiar

"Evriviades’s objects/constructions are ambiguous, hybrid and simultaneously iconoclastic, with strong elements of the grotesque and with the strange and absurd eroticism between unrelated and unlike things. What we have here are smug oddities that seem to be enjoying a covenant of cohesiveness in which they agree to coalesce into an assemblage or even into an organic whole within their creative sphere. There are times, I think, when we encounter things that have an elusive charm, an almost natural grace, a “something” that most of the time remains indeterminate. They are often impressions based on the element of surprise—or better, on the element that impregnates the “grand beauties”—which begin from the familiar, even the ordinary, but nonetheless proceed to the uncanny, the peculiar, and thus to the wondrous. Unpredictable relations and correlations, a riot of meticulous details in diverse proportions and scale that lets loose narrative caprices and that emblematically epitomizes the dilemma between the neoteny and maturement of art but also… of life..."
Thalea Stefanides - Art historian and critic

The Artworks and Mixed Media exhibition by Evros Evriviades will open on Friday, October 14th 2011 at 19.30.

Opening Hours
Monday-Friday: 10.30-12.45 & 17.30-20.00
Saturday: 10.30-12.45


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, October 14th, 2011
Until: Saturday, October 29th, 2011
Time: See Description


3 Zenon Sozou Street
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus
Phone: 22762605

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