Excellence is not a destination, but an endless journey

Professor Daniel Zajfman, President of the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) will give an open lecture at the University of Cyprus on Tuesday, February 12th at 18:00. His lecture entitled “Excellence is not a destination, but an endless journey” will take place at lecture Hall B108, Anastasios G. Leventis University House.
The lecture will focus on the pursuit of excellence. What pushes people to achieve more, and what type of environment is needed for that to happen? How much is due to our internal drive and how much from external pressure? What are the basic requirements, and how can we help in supporting people to walk on the endless journey toward excellence? These questions amongst others will be addressed during his lecture.
As President of the Weizmann Institute, Professor Zajfman has given priority to sustaining the Institute's standards of excellence. He has led the establishment of several research schools, centers, and institutes. Under his direction, major funds have been invested in developing the Institute's infrastructure. These efforts include the construction of a new conference center, a technical services facility, a building to house biochemical research, and a cutting-edge preclinical facility. In addition, he has invested much time and effort in advancing science literacy in the Israeli public, both among school, children and adults.
RSVP: 22894333 by February 11th
Information: 22894305
Simultaneous interpretation from English to Greek and vice versa will be provided.
Venue: Lecture Hall B108
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