Exhibition of Children's Art

Cyprus : Exhibition of Children's Art

Aigaia school of art & design invites you to the exhibition of children’s art, in which the work presented is exclusively created through various projects by children up to 12 years old, students of the art groups of Aigaia art & design school.

This exhibition and the artwork presented, aims to cultivate the knowledge and the appreciation of the visitors towards the visual arts, especially the younger ones. We want to raise people’s awareness about the importance of cultural and aesthetic cultivation of the people that are involved with the arts. Especially the cultivation of children within their creative world, which is pure and immaculate. Our responsibility as parents, as teachers and generally as society towards children is enormous. Aigaia’s answer to the fake modern world that surrounds us, of easy money making, materialism, leveling of values and consciences is the development of an appropriate, professional and responsible art education for children, teaching them not only techniques and skills but also the values and importance of the arts and culture to any human being. The careful and constant progress of children, through an integrated program of the visual arts, yet gives them another possible choice for a future carrier.

Through this exhibition, the authenticity of the children’s art emerges, the uniqueness of the young but only in age artists in all the subjects and areas of the fine and applied arts is obvious and precious. The visitors will have the chance to experience and discover the inexhaustible wealth of a child’s soul through the freedom of expression and creation. Visitors can admire paintings, craft, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, illustrations, installations, fashion design and accessories, studies of important artists and movements, they can also have fun and create through various activities designed by the academic staff, inspired by the content of the specific exhibition. Effortlessly, every visitor can create their own emotional connection with the artwork, the sole criterion of their own childhood experiences, which are regenerated.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday the 5th March 2016, at 5:30pm

To participate in activities during the exhibition by organised groups of children please contact us:
tel. 22445757, email: [email protected] and at the school’s website www.aigaia.com.cy


Monday through Saturday
From: Saturday, March 5th, 2016
Until: Saturday, March 26th, 2016
Time: Starts at 17:30


81 Agion Omologiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445757

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