
As with Goethe's original text, Sokurov's adaptation centres on the somewhat lowly character of Faust, a professor and alchemist who craves knowledge, yet finds himself constrained by the limitations of human understanding. It is his own poverty-plagued existence which leads our protagonist to the town's demonic moneylender Mephistopheles, a repugnant, overweight creature who quickly agrees to aid Faust in his quest - in exchange for possession of his eternal soul.
Johannes Zeiler (Heinrich Faust)
Anton Adasinsky (Moneylender)
Isolda Dychauk (Margarete)
Georg Friedrich (Wagner)
Director: Aleksandr Sokurov
Writer: Yuri Arabov, Aleksandr Sokurov
Runtime: 140 min
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Language: German
Subtitles: Greek
Production Year: 2011
Faust Trailer
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