Feel the Influence - Dimitris Agapiou

Cyprus : Feel the Influence - Dimitris Agapiou

The up-and-coming artist Dimitris Agapiou will present his pieces in his very first solo exhibition named “Feel the Influence” which will be launched on Friday 21st of October 2016 from minister Evanthia Savva at 8:00pm. The exhibition will take place at Apothiki79 found in Larnaca, and will last until the 29th of October 2016. The opening hours will be from 10:00-13:00 and from 16:00-20:00.

Dimitris Agapiou was born in Larnaca on the 17th of July 1998 and is a student of the American Academy Larnaca. It is interesting to point out that Dimitris has been involved with art for only a year.

Through his exhibition Dimitris tries to portray familiar faces-for him- by drawing them with a sincere and uncompromising manner. With his unique technique, the usage of intense and sometimes striking colours (which act as the main way of expression for the artistic translation of the subjects), results into works of art that can mesmerize.

Through the paintings the viewer has the chance, as the title expresses- “Feel the influence”- to see, feel and hear the energy emanated from the people encaptured in them. Each person can interpret each painting and the influence of their subject differently; connecting them to their own personal experiences. In an environment where friends and family are the greatest influence upon the artist, he attempts to engage you as the viewer into his reality and bring you to a realisation that each of us has their own circle of influential beings. Therefore, each persona starring in a painting has their distinct- sometimes opposing to other personas- expression that triggers a different feeling to the viewer creating a feeling of complete support from the faces that surround him.
“Even if a lot of people have an influence on you, you are the last person to have an influence on yourself.”


From: Friday, October 21st, 2016
Until: Saturday, October 29th, 2016
Time: See Description


79 Saint Lazarus Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6020, Cyprus


Free Entrance


Phone: 99083974

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