It Felt Empty When the Heart Went at First...

Cyprus : It Felt Empty When the Heart Went at First...

Dionysos Theater presents the play "It Felt Empty When the Heart Went at First But it is Alright Now" by Luck Kirkwood directed by Magdalena Zira.

This is a new play about a smart and sassy young woman led into a life of prostitution in a foreign city far from home. Luck Kirkwood's drama takes the audience on a luminous journey that explores the life of Dijana Polancec: professional romantic, eternal optimist and accidental prostitute.

The title of this play comes from a newspaper cutting, read out by a character in it, which quotes a little girl of seven, interviewed by journalists after having a heart-transplant, as saying just that. But this isn't a play about organ surgery or organ theft in a literal sense but a different loss of heart, a play about trust and loss of trust, vulnerability, exploitation and the way in which optimism and romantic aspirations can oil a trap that ruins lives.

(in Greek)


Tuesday through Thursday
From: Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012
Until: Thursday, May 17th, 2012
Time: Starts at 20:30


29 Diagorou Street
Nicosia, Nicosia 1097, Cyprus
Phone: 22818999


€10 / €15


Phone: 22818999

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