Found Footage Works

The Cyprus Contemporary Film Centre organises a screening evening of Found Footage Films, and celebrates one of the oldest yet most popular trends of independent experimental cinema.
A careful selection of 13 short works by acclaimed as well as fresh filmmakers from around the world, who explore in a creative manner the idea of using ready-made material such as family videos, archival footage, advertisements and Hollywood movie shots in oder to create a whole new cinematic world.
* Vivian Ostrovsky (US) - Losing the Thread (2014)
* Rhayne Vermette (CA) - Black Rectangle (2013) & Full of Fire (2013)
* Yves-Marie Mahé (FR) - Plouf (2012)
* Gerard Freixes-Ribera (SP) - Identity Parade (2017)
* Michael Fleming (NL) - Over&Over (2016)
* Mauricio Sanhueza (PE) - Do you smell that? (2014) & The Magic Bullet (2018)
* Stuart Pound (GB) - Shooting Loops (2019)
* Pamela Breda (GB) - Unite the Dots to Make the Image Appear (2017)
* Shubhangi Singh (IN) - Speaking in Tongues (2018)
* Zoe Aiano, Alesandra Tatic and Greta Rauleac (RS) - I Have a Song to Sing You (2019)
* Erica Sheu (TW) - A Short History (2017)
Duration: 60’
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