The God of Carnage

ACT - Anglo Cypriot Theatre presents The God of Carnage (originally in French Le Dieu du carnage), a play by Yasmina Reza and translated by Christopher Hampton. It is about two sets of parents, one of whose child has hurt the other at a public park, who meet to discuss the matter in a civilized manner. However, as the evening goes on, the parents become increasingly childish, resulting in the evening devolving into chaos. The play was a success in its original language, French, and has been equally acclaimed in English-translated productions in both London and New York.
Featuring Paul Stewart, David Dimitriou Jill McDonald and Nadine Tsideris, Directed by John Williamson.
Tickets on Sale now. Please email [email protected] or call 99168638.
This is an adult themed play containing course language and mature themes, therefore it is not suitable for young children.
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