The Great Wall

The Cinema for Peace Fundation in collaboration with The Cultural Workshop Ayion Omologiton and Cynema Xanthis 3 are organizing a series of four film screenings with the general title “Searching for Peace”. All the screenings will be followed by a panel discussion, with the participation of the audience.
The second screening is a 2015 film by Irishman Tadqh O'Sullivan called "The Great Wall":
The Great Wall has been completed at its most southerly point.’ So begins Kafka’s short story ‘At the Building of the Great Wall of China’, and so, at Europe’s heavily militarised south-eastern frontier, begins this film.In the shadow of its own narratives of freedom, Europe has been quietly building its own great wall. Like its famous Chinese precursor, this wall has been piecemeal in construction, diverse in form and dubious in utility. Gradually cohering across the continent, this system of enclosure and exclusion is urged upon a populace seemingly willing to accept its necessity and to contribute to its building.From Europe’s edges, The Great Wall moves across various unidentified fortified landscapes, pausing with those whose lives are framed by borders and walls. Moving inward toward the seat of power, the film holds the European project up to a dazzling cinematic light, refracted through Kafka’s mysterious text; ultimately questioning the nature of power, within Europe and beyond
Film duration: 71'
Language: German
Subtitles: English
Free Entrance - reservations necessary on tel.22256782
Aghialou and Ayioi Omoloyites Corner
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