Helena Hadjioannou

Cyprus : Helena Hadjioannou

Oil Paintings and Digital Artwork

I was born in Cyprus and immigrated to London UK when I was 6 years old. My early memories of Cyprus often come to the fore when I am painting. I now live part time in Cyprus and part time in Cambridge UK.

I studied Art and Design foundation diploma in Cambridge and then studied Fine Art Painting BA at Central St Martins in London and graduated 1996.

Since graduating I have exhibited in mixed shows in London, Cambridge, Ely, Halstead, Whittlesford and Cyprus. I have had solo painting exhibitions at Pelican Gallery, Clown Gallery, ArtSpace Gallery and have also had solo exhibitions at Open Studios for the past 10 years. Work sold has gone to Brazil, Belgium, Australia, China, Cyprus and in and around Cambridge.

The work in this Exhibition has been inspired by my love for Cyprus and the knowledge of its turbulent history. Colour combination, surface texture and light are elements that have been very important to me in painting and with the digital work.

Sometimes the work takes on a celebration of nature and comes directly through feelings. There are times when the work is more conceptual with some prior idea of the direction I would like the work to take.

The source of the work comes from places I have seen but it is not only about a sense of place but also about the passion I feel for nature. With its ephemeral beauty comes the reminder of our own vulnerability and a metaphor for our own inner space.

I splash, dribble, scumble and brush on layers of paint until I get a subconscious connection with the work and finally bringing it to a conclusion that is satisfying to me and hopefully can inspire others to connect with it.

The Digital work is also worked in layers using a combination of painting and photography. The work on Ancestry was for an exhibition at the Zoology Museum in Cambridge in 2008.

The exhibition will be opened by the Deputy Mayor of Larnaca Mr. Alexis Michaelides on Wednesday 11 September 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Visiting hours
Monday – Saturday: 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, September 11th, 2009
Until: Friday, September 25th, 2009
Time: See Description


45 Stadiou Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6020, Cyprus
Phone: 24621109

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