HIT Summer School

Cyprus : HIT Summer School

"Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center will be carrying out a summer school at Polykentro Neolaias in Nicosia and at Youth Makerspace in Larnaka within a European project called HIT: Hate Interrupter Teams – Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities through participatory and creative campaigning.

A five-day summer school for young people of ages 13 to 18 years old will be held in Nicosia from Monday 24th of June to Friday 28th of June and in Larnaka from 1st of July to 5th of July.

Training sessions will be offered on
- Human Rights and Hate Speech,
- Social marketing,
- Creative campaigning,
- Storyboard production.

- The sessions are based on non-formal education methodology and gamification adapted from the Compass manual of Council of Europe. --- The trainers are experienced educational counsellors and non-formal education trainers, working at "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center.
- Basic knowledge of Greek is mandatory, as the training sessions will be conducted in Greek. For those participants with little knowledge of Greek, help from the trainers can be provided.

- Boys and girls of 13 to 18 years of age can attend.
- Participation is free of charge.
- Small meals and surprise HIT freebies will be given to the participants.
- Certificate of Participation available upon completion of the training.

Those interested must register here forms.gle/qtTJETvKsxrANfEP8 or call at 22103234.


From: Monday, June 24th, 2019
Until: Friday, June 28th, 2019
Time: 08:30 - 15:00


14 Tompazi Street
Nicosia, Nicosia 1055, Cyprus
Phone: 22877510




Christine Shahbenderian
Phone: 22103234

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