I know where you have been for the last four hundred and twenty-six days

Cyprus : I know where you have been for the last four hundred and twenty-six days

Since 2012, pick nick has developed art-making practices which often take place in public spaces in collaboration with fellow artists, writers, researchers, and curators. The approach places the group in a versatile and vulnerable place where the “art object” is defocused and methods of audience-making prompted. pick nick experiments with ways of doing art which push boundaries to make new audience contact and attempts to unwind spectatorship into a kind of potential sociality. Their pieces merge in transit stages, and inhabit space according to the conditions that they shift singularly each time. A gesture on site includes their invitation to Point Centre for Contemporary Art to make its library a public feature of its space. During their residency at Point, they will configure meeting points with its curatorial and educational practices in an effort to work across differences and affinities by setting up research playgrounds and sites of cooperation. Works that were initiated, and presented in first part at previous residencies, will play another role in second part at Point in how they form a dynamic (audience) experience and propose different modes of display around the given circumstances of institutional space. Ιnvited guests will react to what they see in their own ways.

I know where you have been for the last four hundred and twenty-six days
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 | 15:00

insitu (curatorial collective)
Marie Graftieaux, Nora Mayr
Saturday, 17 March 2018 | 12:00

Join us for a picnic in the garden

Book launch
Manuel Raeder, Publisher, Bom Dia, Berlin
Point Commission for 2018
Friday, 30 March 2018 | 18:30

Sofia Lemos
curator, researcher
Friday, 13 April 2018 | 18:30

pick nick is an artist group based in Cyprus and initiated in 2012 by Alkis Hadjiandreou, Panayiotis Michael, and Maria Petrides. pick nick brings together various means and practices of research to set up artworks and projects often in collaboration with fellow artists, writers, curators. Works-actions by pick nick have been presented in Cyprus, Istanbul, Berlin, Helsinki, Rio de Janeiro, and Geneva.


insitu is a Berlin-based collective consisting of the curators Marie Graftieaux, Nora Mayr, Gilles Neiens and Lauren Reid, established in autumn 2012. Marie Graftieaux (1981) has many years experience in gallery management and was the co-founder of NuN (2012-2015), an exhibition space located in a private ground floor apartment in Berlin Neukölln. Nora Mayr (1982) has been realizing different curatorial projects since 2008 and coordinated the International Studio Program at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien for three years.


Bom Dia was founded in 2011 by Manuel Raeder and Manuel Goller in Berlin, solely run by Manuel Raeder since 2013. Bom Dia is specialized in high quality artist books that are conceived as an integral part of an art work or as the art work itself that, often, plays with the format of the book and reflects its medium. A focus of Bom Dia lies in publishing contemporary artists from Latin America. The books of Bom Dia are produced in close collaboration with a group of fellow artists, among others Henning Bohl, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Mariana Castillo Deball, Haegue Yang, Leonor Antunes, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Danh Vo, Nina Canell, and BLESS.

Sofia Lemos is a curator based in Berlin and in Porto. Lemos works as curatorial advisor for Galeria Municipal do Porto, and has recently held posts as researcher at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin and public programme coordinator at Contour Biennale of Moving Image 8. Lemos is co-founder (with Alexandra Balona) of PROSPECTIONS for Art, Education and Knowledge Production, a roving assembly for visual and performing arts research. Her writings have featured in vdrome, art-agenda, ...ment, and Archis/Volume, among others.

Opening Hours:
Wednesday-Friday 10:00-17:00
Saturday 11:00-15:00
*Point can also be visited by appointment outside opening hours.


Wednesday through Saturday
From: Tuesday, March 13th, 2018
Until: Friday, April 13th, 2018
Time: See Description


2 Evagorou Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1097, Cyprus
Phone: 22662053



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