In harmony by Marlen Karletidou

Cyprus : In harmony by Marlen Karletidou

The new series of artwork “In harmony” presents the relation and coexistence of man with nature, others and himself, through an internal journey of self knowledge.

The series of artwork is divided into three entities: The Family Group, The Journey and The Fairy-Tale.

In the Family Group the portraits in pencil with a colour background, attempt to penetrate the figure, tracking down and sketching the internal light of the people’s faces. People with specified relations that coexist and live together for different reasons, sketched in primarily rectangular surfaces, compose together with the elements of nature an “ideal” family.

In The Journey, a series of paintings partly away from a realistic figuration, give to the work a new form where harmony and the balance of colour and shape in the visualization of nature, and the thin atmospheric divisions, join “earth” and “sky” in an optically different cosmos.

The third entity, The Fairy-Tale, is an installation in space, made up mainly from ready made and recyclable materials, coloured in white. Dominant elements of the composition the four figurines that come out of four lotus flowers reminiscent of the good Magi. The lotus flower an ancient symbol of purity, regeneration and spiritual awakening, grows and surfaces through the dark waters of the lake and blossoms through the mud of the water. Here lies the allegory and metaphysical dimension of the story.

The installation does not attempt to predetermine the story, but gives the optical stimulation to the spectator to create his own story.

*The creative art workshop for children 6-12 years old will take place in the garden of Fytorio, Saturday morning the 10th of May , 10:30 - 12:30 am. The children will have a guided tour to the exhibition by the artist and then through a dialogue create their own artwork with mixed media techniques, making their own imaginative story.

Opening: Saturday, 3rd of May 16:00 - 20:00

Opening Hours
10:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 20:00


Monday through Saturday
From: Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
Until: Friday, May 16th, 2014
Time: See Description


Nehrou 2
Nicosia Municipal gardens
Nicosia, Nicosia 1102, Cyprus
Phone: 22681088

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