In Lazareto, notes of a delirium

A staged reading. A project by Elena Agathokleous from the Center of Performing Arts MITOS
The Center of Performing Arts MITOS presents the staged reading "In Lazareto, notes of a delirium" on the 3rd , 4th and 5th of December under the monument of Heroes Square in Limassol. This is the beginning of Elena Agathokleous's new work on the story of Lazarus of the Scriptures.
The "In Lazareto, notes of a delirium" is a story in two parts. Lazarus, the four-day friend of Jesus, is called to fulfill the expectation so that the power of God, the power of the son of God, will be revealed. The script is based on verses from the New Testament, extracts from texts by William S. Burroughs (Beat generation) and from "The thief’s journal" by Jean Genet, along with references to traditions and facts that accompany the name of Lazarus.
(...) And I, Lazarus, was hearing and seeing all these. And since I've heard and I've seen them, I got sick and cried a lot and I retreated in a bed (...)
The audience is invited, in a spectacle, perhaps for consolation. It is invited, for a while, to a modern Lazareto. The Lazareta have been quarantines, leper hospitals, prisons and the purpose of their existence was one and only: isolation and quarantine of the ill or those considered ill - for health reasons, but also for aesthetic ones - to be cured or to leave the mundane.
The staged reading is been completed with the support of the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, within the framework of the program Culture.
Texts: New Testament, William S. Burroughs, Jean Genet
Idea / Direction / Dramaturgy/ Editing and Writing: Elena Agathokleous
Collaborator on Text Editing: Rania Iacovou
Collaborator on Direction: Athina Kasiou
Music: Dimitris Spyrou-Acapella Solo Loop
Visual Direction/ Poster: Eva Korae
Actress: Elena Agathokleous
Production manager: Constantina Peter
Production: Center for Performing Arts MITOS
Sunday, December 3rd at 19:00
Monday and Tuesday, 4th and 5th of December at 20:30
Entrance 8 €
Reservation / Limited number of seats 97879793
Tickets at the entrance
Under the monument at Heroes Square in Limassol
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