Beyond Silence (Jenseits der Stille)

Cyprus : Beyond Silence (Jenseits der Stille)

Since the earliest days in her childhood Lara has had a difficult but important task. Both her parents are deaf-mute and Lara has to translate from sign-language to the spoken word and vice versa when her parents want to communicate with other people. Getting older and more mature she becomes interested in music and starts to play clarinet very successfully. However her parents are deaf, they cannot share Lara's musical career. The day comes when Lara has to decide between her parents and her own ambitions.

Sylvie Testud
Tatjana Trieb
Howie Seago
Emmanuelle Laborit

Director: Caroline Link
Writer: Caroline Link, Beth Serlin
Runtime: 109 min
Genre: Drama, Music
Language: German
Subtitles: English
Production Year: 1996

German Cinema Month in Paphos

Beyond Silence Trailer


Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
Time: Starts at 20:00


41 - 43 Athinas Street
Paphos, Paphos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: 26818560

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