ΚΑΚΝΑ - Petros Sidera

Cyprus : ΚΑΚΝΑ - Petros Sidera

To have wings without being able to fly is something uncharacteristic, something completely inconceivable. This is perhaps the chicken's psychology. The familiarisation and long-lasting uninterrupted coexistence of traditional communities with hens and cocks has been calming space and mood, as it reassured human anxieties and tensions. The egg, the hens, and the cocks together, formed a triad closely linked not only to the everyday life of man but also to our traditional culture such as: linguistic wealth, proverbs, traditions, myths, divine and magic practices, and ritual recordings about hens and cocks.

‘For my first exhibition, the eggs, hens and cocks gave me a graceful euphoria. Chickens are not meant to point the way to a past space. They are absurdities that are written in the perpetual graph of a ubiquitous sensibility and some of my bonds with that bird, so as to create for me a utopian release from reality. The designs I chose are not the contents of a presentation, they are self-observation images, conscious images, dreamlike, make believe ideals that spark off from the everyday life of an indeterminate non arousal and inner freedom, a prerequisite for the arts’.

Opening: 18.12.17 at 19:30
Duration:18.12 - 23.12.17
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 16:30- 19:30


From: Monday, December 18th, 2017
Until: Saturday, December 23rd, 2017
Time: See Description


16 Ammochostou Street
Niccosia, Nicosia 1016, Cyprus
Phone: 99034654

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