Katerina Pantela - Transitus

Cyprus : Katerina Pantela - Transitus

Isnotgallery presents Katerina Pantela’s solo exhibition titled «Transitus», which will open on 4 November 2011 at 20:00 and will be on until 14 November 2011.

In her new series of works, Pantela deals with existential issues: Do we bring our characteristics into this life, carried by our DNA, or do we develop them based on our different experiences? In our grandest and most important journey, the “journey of life” as the artist refers to it, we pass through a number of different “stations”: from “Ground zero” towards “Childhood”, then to “Puberty” and to “Maturity” to find ourselves facing the “Consequences” of our actions in the “station” of “Assessment”. There, at “Assessment”, comes self-knowledge, since -as Pantela explains in her catalogue text- that is where questions are created as to the essence of each one’s core. As a result, each one is but responsible for the outcome of oneself.

In the artist’s expressionistic works, which are charged with questions, Pantela makes use of mixed media. She skilfully combines her acrylic colours with three-dimensional objects, or with materials that become part of the canvases. Black and white become the basic backdrops of Pantela’s pieces, where she narrates all that troubles her, as well as all which she is on a quest to find and decode.

For more information: Andros Efstathiou (99569498)

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 10:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, November 4th, 2011
Until: Monday, November 14th, 2011
Time: See Description


11 Odysseos Street
Nicosia, Nicosia 1017, Cyprus
Phone: 22343670


Andros Efstathiou
Phone: 99569498

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