Kathakali Workshop with Julien Touati in Nicosia

Cyprus : Kathakali Workshop with Julien Touati in Nicosia

We are pleased to announce the organizing of a workshop of Indian Art Kathakali for the first time in Cyprus. Julien Touati, actor and Kathakali dancer, one of the few Europeans who studied the art of Kathakali in India, will teach a three-day workshop in Nicosia. After the end of the workshop, the documentary "The Table with the Dogs - Kathakali" will be shown, a film he directed during his apprenticeship at the Kathakali School in Kottakkal, India.

What is Kathakali?

Kathakali means «story play». It is one of the main classical Indian dances. Kathakali took its actual form in the 17th century but is derived from folk traditions and ancestral ritual performances such as the Kutiyattam, as well as the oldest martial art in the world, Kalaripayat. Learning since childhood can last about ten years. The study of rhythmic sequences and choreographed gestures is accompanied by eye gymnastics and facial muscles. Actors-dancers of Kathakali do not use the word because they express themselves in gestural signs. The language of the gestures is based on the many combinations of Mudras, the listed signs of the gestures of the hands, whose expressive impulse engages the whole body. This gestural grammar and the codification offers the artist the chance to experience the freedom of improvising entire scenes without ever leaving the style.

Kathakali is another way:

- to approach and explore the body, the gesture, the feelings and their interaction;
- to enrich the gestural vocabulary and to inspire the creative practice of each;
- to work on energy and its dynamics;
- to develop concentration and presence.

Content of the workshop:

- placement of the body: opening of the pelvis and balance;
- stamped feet, steps and rythmes in steps: awakens physical energy, develops ground anchoring, and awareness of space;
- movements: opening, closing, waves, rotations;
- the energy in the movement: masculine Tandava (powerful and energetic), feminine Lasya (supple and light);
- work of the eyes: repetition of circular movements, horizontal, vertical, transversal in slow and fast speed. (these exercises develop the mobility of the eyes and the expressive power of the glance);
- facial work: independent movements of each facial feature (eyebrows, cheekbones, commissures of the lips ...);
- facial expression of the 9 fundamental feelings: Love, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Contempt, Disgust, Bravery, Wonder, Serenity;
- gestures: language of the hands and its vocabulary (representation, feelings elements, verbs, objects, actions, animals ...);
- coordination: association of steps, movements, gestures and expression.

Julien Touati, trained actor, discovers Kathakali in 2004 and he takes several years of training at Kottakkal in India. In 2009, Julien establishes his own company, AVS Road, and creates the performances "And I want", a duet for Kathakali dancers, "Anywhere I lay my head", a solo, and "The book of love" with a male Kathakali dancer and a female contemporary dancer. In 2010, he co-directs a documentary film "The table with the dogs - Kathakali" (Immaterial Cultural Heritage Award at Festival Jean Rouch, also selected in many international festivals). As a performer, Julien works with Michel Lestrehan from Prana Co (2013-2015). He also plays in theatre in "Femme non-rééducable", directed by Sandra Chartraire. and in the film by Maria Pinto "Moi qui duperai le bon dieu", based on Sade texts. In 2014, he performs with choreographer Alban Richard at Chaillot Theater in Paris in "Et mon coeur a vu à foison". Since 2016, he joins the Song of the Goat Theatre in Poland and
performs in "Crazy God" and "Hamlet - A commentary".

AVS Road Company
Since 2009, AVS Road Company aims to establish links between contemporary dance and Indian theatrical traditions, especially Kathakali. Via different means - initiations, courses, recordings, creations - its activities are based on a transmission of ancient
knowledge belonging to the Indian theater linked to the expression and representation of the modern western world.
More info: http://avsroad.com

7-9 December 2018 at To Praktoreio, Nikitara 19, Nicosia

Friday 7th: 17.00-21.00
Saturday 8th: 15.00-21.00
Sunday 9th: 15.00-20.00 (screening at 20.30, duration 40 min.)

The workshop is open for actors and dancers, professional or amateurs.

Price: 120 EUR

Places are limited.

To apply contact with:
[email protected]

Application closing date: 1st of December 2018


From: Friday, December 7th, 2018
Until: Sunday, December 9th, 2018
Time: See Description


19 Nikitara Street
Agioi Omologites
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus




Ewelina Sochacka
Phone: 99775283

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