Limassol Carnival 2015

Cyprus : Limassol Carnival 2015

The Carnival is a great popular festival which has been celebrated in Limassol and all over Cyprus for more than a hundred years.

As always, the festivities begin on Shrove Thursday (February 12th) when “The King Carnival of Melody and Song” will enter the town and culminate with the Grand Parade on the 22nd of February.

Update: The Carnival Dance on Thursday 19/02/15, is transferred from the square of the Medieval Castle to the Tracasol Cultural Centre

Limassol Carnival Programme 2015

9 February

7.30p.m. TRACASOL Cultural Centre
The Limassol Municipality and the Cyprus Photographic Society – Limassol Branch, co-organise the Pancyprian Photographic Competition and Exhibition on the theme of “Limassol Carnival 2014”, from the 9th to the 12th of February. The Ariones Choir and the Limassol Majorettes will be joining them.
Opening Hours: 3.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.

The Mayor Mr. Andreas Christou will inaugurate the exhibition.

11 February

6.30p.m. Theomaria Art Gallery
(7, Vasilissis Karlottas & Elenis Paleologinas str.)
The Limassol Municipality and the Theomaria Art Gallery co-organise the carnival mask exhibition by Vera Efthimiou Parlalidou. Workshops on how to create and decorate ceramic and paper masks will be held from the 11th to the 20th of February.

7.30p.m. Art Studio 55
(23Α Andrea Drousioti, Heroes’ Square)
The Limassol Municipality and the Ikepana Group co-organise an exhibition titled “A different carnival perspective” from the 11th to the 19th of February. The Limassol Serenaders will participate.
Opening Hours: 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 (noon)/ 4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.

The Mayor of Limassol Mr. Andreas Christou will inaugurate the above exhibitions.

12 February

12.00 (noon)
The Limassol Serenaders will be singing at Saripolou Square.

2.00p.m. – 6.00p.m. Enaerios Parking Place
The Limassol Municipality and the high school student councils co-organise a carnival party with DJ music.

6.00p.m. Town Hall
The Limassol Municipality and the Limassol Union of Self-Educated Painter co-organise an exhibition titled “Carnival 2014”. The Choir of the Kato Polemidia Municipality will participate.

The Mayor Mr. Andreas Christou will inaugurate the exhibition.

“The King Carnival of Melody and Song” with his entourage will enter the town in a festive atmosphere, on an illuminated float. He will be accompanied by the EDON Serenaders, the Moderni Keri Choir, the Limassol Municipality Brass Band, the Limassol Majorettes of the Cyprus Girl Guides Association, the Batucinio percussion instruments group, the Limassol Majorettes, the Mayor and the Members of the Municipal Council.
The parade will set off from Grigoris Afxentiou Square (in front of the District Office Building) at 7.00p.m. and will pass through the following streets: Anexartisias, Ayiou Andreou, Karaiskaki (Municipal Library), Stasinou and Andrea Drousioti streets and terminate at the HEROE’S SQUARE, where a party will take place, to the sounds of the music group RITMO DI CARNAVAL.

13 February

7.30p.m. Children’s Choirs - Rialto Theatre
Evening of serenades and carnival songs by the Children and Chamber Choir of Papadakion Municipal School of Music, the Music Workshop, the Children’s Choir and the Piccolo of Epilogi, the Orchestra of Elikonas School of music, and the Armonia Choir.
Entrance: €5

14 February

10:00 – 15:00p.m. Studio 8 School of Art & Design (17 Panou Solomonide)
The Limassol Municipality and Studio 8 invite all of you to create the Carnival float of “Tellalis”!! You will have the opportunity to enjoy a photography exhibition of carnival floats, see Studio 8 students’ creations and enjoy the Limassol Majorettes and the Elikonas School of Music’s serenades. During this festivity we will honor three distinguished fellow-citizens for their contribution to the Limassol Carnival.

The Carnival float will be delivered to the citizens by the Mayor of Limassol Mr. Andreas Christou at 12:00.

The Municipality’s children’s train (donation of the Limassol Co-operative Savings Bank) will be touring around the city. On the first tour at 10.30 a.m. the Epilogi Workshop Choir will be on board the train singing carnival songs. A second tour will take place at 11.00 a.m. for the rest of the children.
Starting point: Parking place of the Limassol Co-operative Savings Bank (Gladstonos Street).

11.00a.m. – 2.00 p.m. Grigoris Afxentiou Square (in front of the District Office Building)
The Limassol Municipality and the radio station Choice FM 104.3 co-organize a treasure hunt (for information and participation please call 25-820820).

3.00 p.m.
The Limassol Cycling Club will cycle in a carnival mood around the city.
Starting and Ending Point: Medieval Castle Square.

6.00p.m. Serenaders’ Event at Hellenic Bank (52, Gladstonos str.)
The Hellenic Bank and the Limassol Serenaders, co-organize a concert with old serenades and carnival songs with the participation of the EDON Serenaders, the Moderni Keri Choir, the Ariones Choir and the Limassol Serenaders.
Free drinks will be offered.

15 February
11.30a.m. Children’s Carnival Parade
Starting Point: Sea front road (opposite Citizen Service Centre - close to the old port round about).
Ending: Municipal Garden (south entrance)
All participants will be awarded participation diplomas.

6.00p.m. Serenaders’ Event in front of the PERAMA Music Stage
Songs by the Georgalletos Serenaders. The event is dedicated to the memory of the founder of the group Giorgos Georgalletos.

16 February

7.30p.m. Limassol’s Tetrafonia
TRACASOL Cultural Centre
Carnival songs and serenades by the Limassol’s Tetrafonia (Four Voice Men’s Choir). Tribute will be paid to the first five Kings of the Carnival from 2008 to 2012.

17 February

Serenaders at the Limassol neighbourhoods and squares:
7.30p.m. The Limassol Serenaders will be singing at the Limassol Marina square
7.30p.m. The Giorgalletos Serenaders will be singing at Ayia Fyla area.
7.30p.m. The Edon Serenaders will be singing at Zakaki area.
7.30p.m. The Monterni Keri Choir will be singing at the areas of Apostolos Andreas and Ayios Ioannis.

8.00p.m. “Pellomaska” Parade
The Limassol Municipality in collaboration with the “Lemesos” newspaper are inviting you to join the “Pellomaska” Parade (crazy costume parade).
Starting Point: Municipal Library
Ending Point: Medieval Castle Square
8.30p.m. Tuesday’s Carnival Fiesta at the Medieval Castle Square
People of all ages are invited by the Limassol Municipality to attend the event disguised in costumes and participate in a great carnival spree with music and dancing.
Free-style Carnival Costume Competition – Awards will be given to the best three participants.

18 February

8.30p.m. University Square (TEPAK)
The Limassol Municipality in collaboration with the radio stations: Klik Fm and Choice Fm co-organize a carnival party.

19 February

7.30p.m. Evening Carnival Parade
Starting Point: Grigori Afxentiou Square (In front of the District Office Building).
Ending Point: Medieval Castle Square
The Limassol Municipality in collaboration with the association “Friends of Limassol’s Carnival” and the “Lemesos” newspaper co-organize an Evening Carnival Parade.

8.30p.m. Carnival Ball at Medieval Castle Square.
The Dreams Choir and Elena Solea along with their orchestra invite you to sing and dance to the rhythms of popular carnival songs, followed by a DJ programme.
Free-style Carnival Costume Competition –. Awards will be given to the best three participants.

20 February

Serenader’s evening at the Medieval Castle square, with the participation of the Modernoi Keri Choir, the Limassol Serenaders, the Ariones Choir, the Cypriot Senenaders, the EDON Serenaders, the Choir of P.O.O.A. and of the Anticancer society in Limassol, the Choir of the Cultural Association of EAC Employees and the Idalion Constantinou Band.
Starting point: Irinis street (in front of the Monterni Keri Cultural Group
Ending point: Medieval Castle Square.

21 February

10.30a.m. The Municipality’s children’s train (donation of the Limassol Co-operative Savings Bank) will be touring around the city. On the first tour at 10.30a.m. the Epilogi Workshop Choir will be on board the train singing carnival songs. A second tour will take place at 11.00a.m. for the rest of the children.
Starting point: Parking place of the Limassol Co-operative Savings Bank (Gladstonos Street).

3.00p.m. The Limassol Classic Cars Club will drive around the city in a carnival mood.
Starting point: Enaerios Parking Place.
Ending point: Grigori Afxentiou Square (In front of the District Office Building).

6.30p.m. Serenaders’ Parade
Groups of Serenaders will gather at 6.00p.m. in front of the Town Hall. At 6.30p.m. they will start serenading, ending at the Grigori Afxentiou Square (In front of the District Office Building).
From 5.00p.m. onwards the Georgia Protopapa’s Vocal Ensemble, the Emmelia Choir and the choir “Mousikes Periplanisis” will be singing at Grigori Afxentiou Square.
The Limassol Municipality invites you to sing and dance along with the Serenaders.
Free wine will be offered.

22 February

Grand Carnival Parade
Archbishop Makarios III Avenue
Starting Point: Ayios Nikolaos Round About
Ending Point: Simillides Traffic Lights

1.00p.m. The parade will begin with the Serenaders, the Limassol Majorettes of the Cyprus Girl Guides Association, the Batucinio percussion instruments group, the Limassol Majorettes, and the Limassol Municipality Brass Band.

1.30p.m. “The King Carnival of Melody and Songs”, his entourage, floats, individuals and groups of carnivalists will follow the Serenaders, dancing to the beat of carnival music.

The parade will proceed along Makarios III Avenue ending at the Simillide’s Traffic Lighs.

All groups will be given participation diplomas.

During the parade, former carnivalists will be honoured by the Limassol Municipality for their precious contribution to the Limassol Carnival.

8.30p.m. Parade by the Limassol Majorettes and the Batucinio percussion instruments group.
Starting point: Ayios Nikolaos round about.
Ending point: Enaerios parking place

9.00p.m. Farewell Carnival Fiesta – Enaerios Parking Place
The Carnival will end with a massive Carnival Party at the Enaerios parking place.
Free style Carnival Costume Competition – Awards will be given to the best three participants.

7 March
8.30p.m. Dance of MI-CAREME
TRACASOL Cultural Centre
The Limassol Municipality in collaboration with “Lemesos” newspaper co-organise the dance of MI-CAREME.
You should be disguised.
The entire Carnival Royal Family will be there to honour the event with their presence.

The programme is subject to unexpected changes.
For information: Cultural Services, Limassol Municipality
Tel. 25 342153 or 25 745919


From: Thursday, February 12th, 2015
Until: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015
Time: See Description


Limassol Cyprus



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