Maria Kyriacou

Cyprus : Maria Kyriacou

Maria Kyriacou is presenting her current journey as a new artist at Kypriaki Gonia Gallery in Larnaca. The inauguration will be by the honourable Municipal mayor of Larnaca Mr. Andrea Louroutziati on Sunday 20th May, 2012, at 7pm.

Maria Kyriacou was born in Larnaca in 1980. She has a Bachelor’s honours degree from Rome’s academy of fine arts with the highest grading of 110 and the award for ‘reflection of the self’.

Additionally, Maria also completed a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy: (music therapy, dance and movement therapy, plastic and graphic arts therapy theatre therapy) Inter-version Methods and Techniques ", at ROMATRE University of Rome, with a diploma: ‘the creativity of children in various departments’ “Children's creativity in different contexts, (the imprint of the child)”. At the same time while studying in Rome, she also became a member of Italy’s school Playback Theatre appendage the International Playback Theatre School, where she acquired the title of Coordinator and actor of Playback Theatre.

She has collaborated in group art exhibitions in Italy and in Cyprus, as well solo exhibitions in Cyprus and overseas.

Statement from the artist:

When our ancient ancestors set out in search for inspiration and a way to relieve the pressures of the mind through their natural creativity, they engraved in stones in various forms as a means of communication and creativity which also was a form of play and riddle they search for answers. The same technique artists do to create as they produce a riddle which offers a different relieve and satisfaction to all of us.

One image, one painting characterises the journey of an artist who walks to the artistic nature and free themselves from captivity. It is a dream which has not been lived yet and each paint drop and brush stroke requires an emission in the light of day and to be captured onto the canvas to come to existence.

The freedom and impulsive expression an artist brings around, it make them escape from everyday routine and from constant chains of being time captured from what life has taught us to follow. Sometimes we forget the small shimmering the day leaves and we race to extent our time that escapes us trapped with the new expressions.

We shut ourselves in a box unable to specify our nature, our curiousness with a world unknown but known to us.

This expression is the unenforced externalisation activity of the thought where inspiration increases and releases our spirituality. An inspiration where the magic of Mother Nature endorses and influences the artist each time they produce a new painting.

I feel Mother Nature is the best teacher because I have learnt in life to take and to accept everything offered and in parallel for me to offer to others.

Mother Nature’s magical effects constitute the whole fountain of everyone’s creativity which they can touch on and define the artistic livelihood each person’s soul in times.

Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 16.30 - 20.00


Monday through Saturday
From: Sunday, May 20th, 2012
Until: Wednesday, June 6th, 2012
Time: See Description


45 Stadiou Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6020, Cyprus
Phone: 24621109

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