Marion Paschali: Out of the deepest inertia a birth

Cyprus : Marion Paschali: Out of the deepest inertia a birth

Gloria Gallery presents Marion Paschali's painting exhibition " Out of the deepest inertia a birth ". The exhibition opens on Tuesday 28 January at 19:30.

Through the collection entitled “Out of the deepest inertia a birth”, the artist Marion Pascali con-structs a contemporary myth of creation whereby Thanatos transubstantiates in a life-inspiring de-mon and generative source of beauty and Clotho, anything but fate, spins with her spindle threads of life that follow unforeseeable trajectories. Accomplice in this path that relentlessly tortures her but uncompromisingly feeds her is the desire for both the finding of an authentic expression and the necessary elicitation of the art-crafter woman. The artist composes her images by unraveling threads that in their unanticipated meshes embrace the birth of enigmatic shapes and forms. Rein-forced by a colour palette in pencil and lavish oil paints, these forms are unleashed in an abstractly lyrical space of a piercing white and frugal bas relief. The titles of the works themselves develop in quatrains that amplify the reading of the image. Within this overtly poetic mood, the artist-Clotho gives birth and spins her thoughts concerning love, passion, pain and loss.

Marion Pascali was born in England by Cypriot parents.
During her studies in the science sector of the Pancyprian Gymnasium in Nicosia, the artist received drawing and painting lessons from the well-known Cypriot artist Andreas Charalambous. Subse-quently she studied Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under the supervision of the professors and artists F.Farulli and G.Ulivi. In the course of her studies, she was inspired by “Per-formance Art” which led her not only to the creation of a book ‘object d’art’ and the intention of its audio-visual expression, but also to further studies in the field of theatre. She received an MA award from Kings College and Rada in London in “Text and Performance”.

For the last thirteen years she works as an art teacher at the Junior and Senior School in Nicosia, whilst concurrently continuing her creative path in the field of the arts. She has in her record two solo ex-hibitions and has participated in two group exhibitions.

The exhibition opens on 28 January and will remain open until 11 February 2020.

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 10.30-12.45am and 5.30 - 8.00 pm.
Saturday: 10.30-12.45am.


Monday through Saturday
From: Tuesday, January 28th, 2020
Until: Tuesday, February 11th, 2020
Time: 19:30 - 21:00


3 Zenon Sozou Street
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus
Phone: 22762605


Beatriz Kassianidou
Phone: 22762605

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