Mata Hari

Moscow "Theatre LUNA" under the direction of Peoples artist of Russia Sergey Prohanov presents a story of love, betray and remorse, rivalry and revenge.
In the center of the action – the two women's destinies: legendary dancer, courtesan, and the most famous spy of the First world war, Mata Hari and her friend, rival and traitor Hannah Wittig.
Performed by:
Anna Terehova, honored artist of Russia
Elena Zaharova, star of TV
Mikhail Polosyhin, honored artist of Russia
Vladimir Tyagichev and others
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.
Price of tickets: 40,35,30 Euro
Supporters 25 Euro
Language of performance - Russian
Age 16+
Platia Iroon
€25 / €30 / €35 / €40
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