Nicosia, the city of Utopia

Cyprus : Nicosia, the city of Utopia

International Poster Exhibition: "Nicosia, the city of Utopia"

"Nicosia, the city of Utopia", is the title of the exhibition that will include the short-listed works from the first international poster competition organized by Graphic Stories Cyprus. In this competition participated 101 designers from 23 countries from around the world. The creative thinking of the competition in relation to the design of the poster, relied on the special architectural character of the fortification walls of Nicosia and in the basic principles of the utopian foundation of a society which are reflected in the Renaissance design of city. The theme of the competition, but also the corresponding exhibition are actions that have as their overarching objective, through the symbolism of the design of fortification walls of Nicosia, to view history, culture, arts and architecture of a city that was and remains to this day a crossroad of cultures, arts and literature and can sight a future without walls and without borders.

20 posters from the competition plus 2 more posters by prominent designers Rob Snow and Nikos Gazetas will be exhibited for a period of 10 days, starting from October the 20th at the ARToS Cultural Foundation. The exhibition is hosted alongside the theatrical performance "Manolis" by George Neophytou, directed by Andreas Vassiliou performed by Eleonora Vassiliou.


Friday, October 20th, 2017
Time: Starts at 20:30


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455



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