Once a upon a time in a red boat

A 2 hour learning by doing workshop for educators, psychologists, social and youth workers, entertainers, facilitators and people that love the arts. It is based on the book ‘The boat that didn’t sink’, by Christophoros Christophorou.
The boat’s passengers become alive and take us in a unique journey in their reality through storytelling, music, movement and games.
We dare to search for hope and a better future for everyone. Intercultural and cross - curricular activities that are related to the feelings, maths, language, folkloristic, geography and fine arts (patchwork, music, drama) have been tailored around the story.
This interactive workshop talks about refugees and how they become one in each society, about differentiation and its’ exploitation, identification of feelings, as well as elements of Arts, Geography and Language.
They are a useful tool for creating lesson plans/talks/projects around the topics of ‘War – Refugees’, ‘Acceptance of Diversity - Racism Avoidance’ and ‘Xenophobia – Hospitality’. A photo exhibition on refugees will be held at the same time by the street photographer Andreas Iacovou.
Trainers: Elenitsa Georgiou (Music Educator, Storyteller) and Eleni Michail (Facilitator, project educator on experiential learning, applied positive psychology and holistic development in nature).
* Pre- booking is mandatory until the 26th May at 99044055 due to limited space.
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