Open Mic 3 - Calling all "With a Short Story To Tell"

Cyprus : Open Mic 3 - Calling all "With a Short Story To Tell"

For the next Open Mic we thought we’d shake up the format a bit. So we’re asking people, rather than sharing pre-written work, to join us in an evening of storytelling. At the end of the evening our celebrity guest judge, Marina Saveriadou will choose the best story to win the evening’s fabulous prize.

Since the event is just after Easter, we thought we’d suggest the theme of “Passion,” and invite you to tell any story that might fit that theme.

Some storytelling rules and tips:

1) DO practice your story.
We’re asking that each teller takes about five minutes, and it’s worth going over the story a few times to see that you’re taking advantage of the full time.

2) DO try to think of a good first line.
The best stories grab the audience’s attention from the first moment and never let go. Good last lines are also really useful so your story finishes cleanly.

3) (OPTIONAL) TRY to speak without notes. Paper really gets in the way. If you feel you really can't do without, then just have a couple of words as inspiration. We are offering a quick workshop on how to better deliver a short story, memorisation, etc. on 19/4, 8:30pm.

4) DO talk about something that actually happened to you. That’s what creates the electricity in the air at a storytelling event.

5) DO think about what the “stakes” of the story are. What did you stand to win or lose? Why is this story important to you?

6) DON’T use props. Your story, your voice, your connection to the audience, is enough.

7) DO think about entertaining the audience. That doesn’t mean that your story has to be funny: some of the best stories are about trauma and pain, and it can be a wonderful thing to share stories with a sympathetic and attentive audience. But it does mean you need think about how to get and keep the audience’s attention.

8) DO look up, walk around, and/ or get moving. You might get leg cramp otherwise!

For more inspiration, check out The Moth website, radio show and podcast. We’ll add some more links on storytelling to this page over the next couple of weeks.

PS: There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching a good story told well. Do please think of bringing along friends and family to watch, even if they don’t feel like taking part.

PPS: Cover charge for everyone is €3.


Friday, April 21st, 2017
Time: 20:30 - 23:30


9 Markos Drakos Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6011, Cyprus
Phone: 24821921




Phone: 95711801

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