Polys Peslikas - Small Scale Paintings

Cyprus : Polys Peslikas - Small Scale Paintings

Gallery Penindaplinena presents the solo exhibition of Polys Peslikas entitled Small Scale Paintings.

Opening: January 25, 2013 at 20:00

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 16:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 16:00


I remember the day back when we were students at Montpellier, and first came across Géricault’s, ‘Etude de pieds et de mains’, at Fabre Museum.

I still have the print we bought from the museum’s shop.
18 years later it found its place on my studio’s wall.
Though a small work in the artist’s œuvre, it puts you in a position to deal, once again, with notions of painting: issues of the frame, size, the unfinished, the complete, and, of surface. All reconsidered regardless of the time in which this happens.

Besides, haven’t we learnt to see in the present?

Months after I left my studio, I started painting again.
Small scale paintings. I want to call them studies with subject matters of no particular significance, but which cause a great intensity.
I have so much to say. What can I include? So much babble; such a big mouth and dirty lingo that I have... 30x40cm...50x60cm... a metre, at most.

The larger scale paintings contain enough length and width to allow me to cover the dirt, and, to trick the eye. Nothing is hidden; all is lined up.
Alright. It’s all good. The slightest smear and shortest line make my life difficult…you know…when in the wrong place, the wrong association with whatever surrounds them. Features and forms that easily appeal to artists, yet distress them.

I write to you, cursed one. I hope that forever you will love, and adore, almost, chaps we call, Caravaggio, Manet, Velázquez, Crahan, and, Gourbet. I’m just naming a few, which were, and probably still are, twirling in your mind.

Occasionally, you’d influence me also in glorifying and worshipping canvases, and museum halls and entrances by their names.
Tonight everything went better. Perhaps these works allow me to pass almost unnoticed somewhere else. To open entrances and exits without destinations.

I’ll inform you of anything new or old that might shakeup so I don’t fret alone!


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, January 25th, 2013
Until: Saturday, February 23rd, 2013
Time: See Description


49 Ellados Street
Limassol, Limassol 3041, Cyprus

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